Is a Withdrawal an Investment Club Expense?
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Non-Monthly Treasurer Tasks

Don't forget! You have an opportunity this Sunday evening to participate in a live webinar discussing the answer to questions like "Is a withdrawal an investment club expense?" and other mysteries your investment club treasurer only needs to address every now and then.

Since you don't have to handle them regularly, it is easy to forget what is important. Several of the types of entries are not easily corrected after the fact. It pays to spend a little time refreshing your memory about things you need to make sure you consider when you do make them.

Our presentation, "Non-Monthly Treasurer Tasks", is designed to give you an overview of some of your non-routine tasks like entering club expenses, entering withdrawals, entering advance payments, bounced checks and member reimbursements. We'll also touch briefly on tax and audit items it's good to have an understanding of.

Since we don't do these tasks on a regular basis, we all have questions.Set aside a little time on Sunday, June 1 at 8:30PM ET. It's a great opportunity to get them answered live.

The presentation is free and everyone is invited. It's always a fun time. Hope you can join us!

Register Now for June 1, 8:30PM ET!

Throwback Thursday

Did you know you have access to many years of collective club wisdom?

We don't have a lot of pictures, but we have a lot of great insight that clubs have shared over the years. Get another club's perspective on a topic your club has questions about:

Throwback Thursday #TBT

See you online!
Your friends at bivio

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