Private Investment Club?
Please correct me. I assume by default Investment Club is a public company if it is seeking a membership. or is it a "private investment company" as per SEC definition?
Is it possible to register my XYZ investment club as XYZ Private Investment Company? I will not solicitate any active memberships. but would like to keep membership agreement documents close to standard investment club format.
In other words I want to start Private Investment Club trading in stocks,funds,bonds.

This is not a forum where you should be getting legal advice. If you have any questions about the classification of the investment group you are setting up, you should be consulting with a legal advisor that has expertise in this subject.

Laurie Frederiksen
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On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 10:55 AM, Raka maka wrote:
Please correct me. I assume by default Investment Club is a public company if it is seeking a membership. or is it a "private investment company" as per SEC definition?
Is it possible to register my XYZ investment club as XYZ Private Investment Company? I will not solicitate any active memberships. but would like to keep membership agreement documents close to standard investment club format.
In other words I want to start Private Investment Club trading in stocks,funds,bonds.