Member Contributions And Withdrawals Report

The Member Contributions and Withdrawals report shows member payments and withdrawals grouped by transaction month. If only one payment was recorded in a month, it also shows the valuation date used to record it. There is a toggle link at the top of the page to also show the number of units purchased each month.

Here is the information found on the report:

  • Name - The name of each person who was a member of the club at any time during the tax year.
  • Months - The sum of all member payments minus any withdrawals for each month. The valuation date used to enter a payment is shown underneath the amount. If the date shows as multiple, more than one payment was recorded in that month.

    If member payments for the same amount are recorded using different valuation dates members will receive different numbers of units for their contributions.

  • Total - Row totals show the total sum of payments minus withdrawals for each member for the year. Column totals show the total for all member payments for each month.

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