Previous Months

Getting to Know a Company

Following a Stock

Projecting Sales Growth

Projecting Net Margin

Estimating Future P/E

Diving Into Financial Reports

Orientation to Investment Club Accounting

Understanding Cash Flow

Benchmarking Your Portfolio

Understanding Goodwill

Your Investment Club Partnership Agreement

Your Investment Club Operating Procedures

Cost Basis Reporting

Investing Outside The USA

Covered Options, A Tool For the Fundamental Investor

So Many Stocks, So Little Time-Screening for New Investment Ideas

Forbes 2013 Small Cap List

Preparing Your 2012 Investment Club Taxes

Research Links

SEC Website

Conference Call Transcripts


The 5 Rules For Successful Stock Investing by Pat Dorsey

Monthly Educational Activity

Book and Question Sheets

Club Meeting Meeting

The bivio Club Meeting Meeting is a monthly online presentation where we give clubs ideas they can use to run their monthly meetings. This includes a monthly educational topic and club activity. Any members of bivio clubs are welcome to attend this presentation and discussion. It is held on the first Thursday of the month at 8:30 PM ET. You can register to attend by going to

If you are unable to attend we will record the sessions and post a link to the recordings. You are also welcome to join in the monthly activity and use it for your own monthly club meeting.