10 Items Club Treasurers Have Questions About. Answers Tonight!
Do you know....

1. Why you might not want to pay for investment club dinners with a club check?
2. The best way to handle contributions that members make in advance?
3. How to account for a bounced check?
4. What you need to determine before you can process a withdrawal?
5. Your options for paying a withdrawal?
6. Why you might want to transfer appreciated stock to fund a full withdrawal?
7. Why you might not want to transfer appreciated stock to fund a partial withdrawal?
8. What must be done to your club records prior to entering a withdrawal?
9. How to avoid duplicate entries in a withdrawal?
10. Whether one club member can "buy out" another one?

If not, join us online tonight for a discussion of these and other tasks you might need to handle as an investment club treasurer, but only every now and then.

We'll be presenting a webinar on "Non Monthly Treasurer Tasks" at 8:30PM ET tonight. It's free and everyone is invited. You can register now at

We'll be ready and waiting with the answers to these and any other questions you have!

Laurie Frederiksen
Invest with your friends!

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