Interested in Some Insight Into Stocks You Might Own or Be Considering for Your Club Portfolios?
The Manifest Investing Challenge club is meeting online, Tuesday evening June 26 at 8:30PM ET.

Here is a link to the current portfolio:

Does your investment club own any of these stocks? Are you deciding whether to purchase or sell any of them from your club portfolio? Do you have other stocks you're curious about that you might like to hear the others thoughts on? If so, you might like to listen to or participate in the discussion Tuesday.

The Challenge Club meets online monthly. Its a loose simulation of an investment club, where attendees manage an online portfolio.

Anyone is welcome to participate at any time. There's a lot to learn by just listening to the discussion or you can join in with your thoughts and questions.

It's free, it's always a lot of fun and everyone is invited. You can register now to join in at

Laurie Frederiksen
Invest with your friends!

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