Kraft conversion to KHC
We owned 50 shares of KRFT which on 7/6/15 converted to KHC
in a one to one exchange. In addition there was a $16.50
per share cash payout ($825 for us) paid. How do I account
for this in Bivio? It may be classified as a merger.
Thank you.


This was a stock plus cash merger similar to the one I described yesterday for T and DTV.

As such, it is more complicated to enter than a simple stock for stock merger.

We're glad to make the entries you need. You'll have to email your request to Make sure to include a report showing what your broker is now showing as the cost basis for each lot of KHC you now own.

Also, if you would have received any fractional shares, make sure to let us know the amount of cash in lieu of them you received.

Laurie Frederiksen
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On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 1:48 PM, Robin Heller <> wrote:
We owned 50 shares of KRFT which on 7/6/15 converted to KHC
in a one to one exchange. In addition there was a $16.50
per share cash payout ($825 for us) paid. How do I account
for this in Bivio? It may be classified as a merger.
Thank you.