ITC purchase by Fortis, Tax Consequences of Mergers

If your investment club owns ITC Holdings (ITC), you should be aware that there is a pending purchase of that company by a Canadian company called Fortis Inc.

What will that mean to you?

To find out, we look at a section called "Certain United States Federal Income Tax Consequences of the Merger" in the SEC F-4 registration statement filed by Fortis.

You can find it online at the SEC website and you may receive a copy of it from your broker.

In that section, Fortis explains the US tax consequences that will impact current holders of ITC shares.

US Federal Income Tax Consequences of the Merger

As you can see, since this merger involves a foreign company, it will be taxable to you as an ITC shareholder.

We're always glad to look these things up for you if you email us at

I thought some of you with more inquiring minds might be interested in learning more about how to find the information yourself also.

Laurie Frederiksen
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