Schwab 1099
We have received both of the 1099 from TDA and Schwab.
Schwab has not separated the quarterly dividends like bivio
and tda. If the company has changed the Qualified dividend
to non qualified, how do we find out this information if the
Schwab 1099 doesn't state that information?

Colleen Goings Women of Wauneta investment club
Our club is also having that difficulty with Schwab 1099 reporting. Although Schwab breaks down Qualified, Non-Qualified and Section 199a Dividends for each stock or ETF (annually) they do NOT tell you what portion of each stock or ETF dividend was Qualified, Non Qualified or a Section 199a Dividend by date or quarter. TD Ameritrade does and that information is very convenient for income tax preparation. A call to Schwab did NOT and WILL NOT yield any additional quarterly dividend information.