A Season of Lights
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A Season of Lights

As we each take time to celebrate our family traditions this season, it's interesting to note that candles, lanterns and lights play a part in many of them. Our celebrations help us get through through the dark and cold days of winter. How nice it is at this time of year to focus on what might be possible rather than to retreat into hibernation.

Lights in our celebrations represent hope for the future.

As investors, we are driven to do what we do by hopes of what might be possible. We keep going on a quest for positive returns along a path that is not a straight and direct one. Progress is made in fits and spurts. Hope is what keeps us going when the path is uncertain.

We appreciate friends and community to keep us focused when things get tough and to celebrate with us when things go well.

The holidays are about hope for the future. Each year, we enjoy our personal types of celebrations along with all the moments of stress, excitement, joy, wonder, happiness and sometimes even sadness that come with them. Looking back over the years, the details blur and what remains is richness and color that has been added to our memories.

Thank you for being part of our community and part of our thoughts during our celebrations. We wish you all a joyous holiday season of lights, full of the creation of lasting memories and the thoughts of good things to come.

Your friends at bivio

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