Covered Call Options
Hello Susan,

When you 'write a covered call' you buy (or already own) 100 shares of stock and sell one call option.

  • The option is IN THE MONEY when the stock price is HIGHER than the strike price of the option
  • The option is OUT OF THE MONEY when the stock price is LOWER than the strike price of the option
  • The option is AT THE MONEY (or near the money) when the stock price is close to the strike price.
    • This is a 'rough' definition. 'Near' or 'At' cannot be defined with accuracy
    • A stock trading at 34.99 is clearly at the money (for the 35 call)
    • A stock trading at 35.20 is at the money for me, but maybe not for somebody else.
Best regards,

On 12/7/2010 11:27 AM, wrote:
Can you explain the difference between an In the Money, Out
of the Money and Near the Money covered call option


Mark D Wolfinger