Your club account as an IRA????
Recently several people have asked about IRA's within an investment club.  For example...
I would like to find out on how to set up IRA/Roth IRA account and offer this benefit of tax deferrel/avoidence to our club members.    I understand each one of us can open an IRA/Roth IRA account with any brokerage firm. We would like to manage our investment as a club just like regular account.

While the 1996 edition of NAIC's Starting and Running a Profitable Investment Club  indicates that it is possible to allow club members to invest their IRA funds in the club, as a practical matter, I know of very few clubs, if any, that do so.   
First, the club must find an IRA custodian, usually a bank or a broker, willing to administer the account as a limited partner of the club.  This is a difficult  task.
If you do find a custodian willing to do so, then the club must adopt a partnership agreement whereby the club is established as a limited partnership.  The IRA custodian would be a limited partner without any rights to participate in the management of the club, while all other partners would be general partners in the club.  
 Jerry Dressel
St.Louis, Missouri