transaction types
Several questions regarding differences in transaction types
noted by TD Ameritrade and bivio:

Mattel Inc (MAT): broker lists as nondividend distribution
and bivo as qualified dividend. Should this be a return of

The remaining stocks are listed by the broker as qualified
dividend and by bivio as an ordinary dividend. Should each
of these be corrected to reflect broker transaction type?

With the advent of our new 1099-DIV review report, many people are learning more about the transactions that need to be adjusted related to information they don't find out about until they get their 1099's.

Here are the responses to your questions:

Quest: Mattel Inc (MAT): broker lists as nondividend distribution
and bivo as qualified dividend. Should this be a return of

Answer: Yes. You need to have two dividend entries for each dividend that shows it was divided into two parts. Edit the original entry to show the amount that might be considered qualified. Then, use the Income button on the Accounting>Investments page to make a second "Return of capital" entry on the same date. Those are very important as they will adjust the cost basis of your shares. If not done, your capital gains won't be calculated correctly when you sell the shares.

Question:The remaining stocks are listed by the broker as qualified
dividend and by bivio as an ordinary dividend. Should each
of these be corrected to reflect broker transaction type?

Answer: It is very important to go through step 2 of the Tax preparation process. There is a series of dividend questions which will provide the information needed to correctly classify your dividends on your tax return. Once you've answered them, you'll see all dividends that should be qualified identified as such.

Hope that helps.

Laurie Frederiksen