Our partnership agreement states that in order to remove a club member, it requires agreement from members whose capital accounts total a majority of the value of all partners capital accounts. Our club will be voting on this matter. Our question is, how do we ...
We just had a member of our club pass away. We have never processed a deceased member's withdrawal before. We're wondering if there are any "dry run' tools that can be used to simulate a member withdrawal. Thanks in advance for your help! Len Delmolino ...
Opening a new account at Fidelity. Questions? Go to Fidelity.com/openaccount or call 800-343-3548. New Fidelity Account(R) -- Business Use this application to open a business account. Do NOT use this form for retirement or omnibus (pooled) accounts. Type on screen or print out and fill ...
I am aware that Bivio will not do bookkeeping or taxes on digital asset type investments due to the complexities involved. The question I have is there a problem with investing in a company that does digital asset mining. Such as Core Scientific (CORZ) ? ...
any one else is having a problem with the monthly accounting statements since the transfer since Ameritrade to Schwab? Option that had expired still showing active.
Would anyone be willing to share their recent experience on the process to change the Club Treasurer and update account access on eTrade. My club uses E*Trade and we're starting the process to change the club account access. Any advice, tips, or prior experience would ...
Could anyone who uses either Robinhood or E*Trade (with JP Morgan) please comment on their experience with either of these brokers? Our club transitioned from Ameritrade to Schwab in November and we are not comfortable with the changes. Specifically, Are these brokers, Investment Club friendly? ...
We had a Redemption cash in lieu payment 5/24/2024 of $13.24 which did not migrate from Schwab to Bivio. It has to do with SCCO butA has Bank Credit from Brokerage explanation in another place. Would someone please help with instructions on how I should ...
We had a member withdraw effective May 1. Our bylaws allow the remaining members to vote on stock transfer as payout, which we did and the departing member was agreeable to this. The member is elderly with some health issues and refused to provide her ...
When will the tax software be available for clubs disbanding in 2024? We closed our club in April of this year. My understanding is that we need to file by the 15th of the third month following the closing date. I know that Bivio will ...