AccountSync and Two Factor Authentication
From the previous posts I've seen, it sounds like you can't
use 2 factor authentication (2FA) for your brokerage account
if you also want to use AccountSync.

Clearly it would be very desirable to use 2FA and and
AccountSync for the club's brokerage account. Our club uses
Fidelity so I took a quick look at their website to see if
they had any capabilities that would allow this to happen.
From the documentation on their website, It appears that
they offer a capability called Fidelity Access that would
allow secure access to an account without needing the
account's userid and password. Quoting from their website -

"With Fidelity Access, you'll no longer be asked by
third-party websites and applications to provide your
Fidelity login credentials for access to your account
information. Instead, when you choose to access your
Fidelity account information through a website or
application that participates in Fidelity Access, you'll be
automatically linked to Fidelity and can then authorize us
to provide that website or application with access to your
account information. Once we receive that authorization,
Fidelity Access will allow that website or application to
access your account information through a secure

I'm not sure if this capability would work for Bivio, it
might be useful to look into it (and perhaps somebody
already has). Also I'm not sure if other brokerages offer
similar capabilities.

If this capability works, then we could set up 2FA for
manual logins to our brokerage accounts and also be able to
use AccountSync.

In a related note, it would be nice if Bivio itself offered
2 factor authentication for our Bivio userids.

Looking for insight from Bivio team and others into
possibilities and/or plans to support 2 Factor

Thanks in Advance!

Len Delmolino
Massachusetts High Flyers Investment Club