Member Withdrawl Question?
Hi guys,
 I went threw the process of Member withdrawl to see what
 payout would be for the member. All information was good we
 are paying out in stock as much as we can and the rest a
 check. So I printed out the form that shows what the stock
 price is and how many shares the club owns. I mailed the
 member a copy of the form for him to look over. And also
 printed a copy for the club's meeting.
 Okay just for the record I did not withdraw the member, I
 figured I'll do it after, I need to first bring this
 information to the club meeting. I did record the dates so
 when I do go threw the process of the withdrawl I would
 have the same amount that needs to be payout. But a couple
 days after our meeting I input the members payment in from
 our last meeting. And I just wanted to double check on the
 withdrawal member's information would be the same and it
 was not, again used the same dates ect but what I notice
 was on the withdrawal form process was the stock price was
 not correct, some were different by cents. So I think there
 might be a problem in software here recovering past stock
 prices. Would you please check this out and advise me what
 to do.

Thank you so much.

Dollars and Sense Investment Club
