Problems Importing ICLUBcentral (R) Accounting

bivio offers you the ability to easily upload/import data from iCLUBcentral (R) Club Accounting (NCA) software. Most of the imports are completely successful. However, sometimes there are apparent data inconsistencies. These problems are generally the result of the legacy of bugs within the ICLUB Accounting software and/or from users importing data from out of date versions of ICLUB Club Accounting software.

Here is a list of known import problems and possible fixes. Since bivio preserves historical transactions that have been imported, the fix may require that a transaction be modified in your ICLUB Club Accounting and the data re-imported.

Only do this if you are first starting up with bivio. If you have been using bivio for a while before you notice any of these problems, contact us at so we can help you determine the best way to proceed without causing any other problems.

  • Invalid Sell Lot

    You'll find this problem on the Capital Gains and Losses report. It will be a lot which has no acquisition date. It can cause the Income and Expense Statement to disagree with the Capital Gains and Losses report. It happens when you have deleted and re-entered a purchase after a sale has already been recorded. It can be fixed in IClub Club Accounting by deleting and reentering the sale.

  • Taxable items recorded after a club has liquidated

    This problem is found when then Income and Expense report values don't match the Member Tax Allocations report totals. It will cause a difference between the 1065 totals and the sum of the K-1s. If your club is liquidating, you should not enter withdrawals that are dated earlier than the last taxable transaction entry in your accounting. It can be fixed by deleting and re-entering the withdrawals using a date that is later than the date on the the last taxable item.

  • Different allocations calculated between ICLUB and bivio

    Normally, bivio preserves the imported tax allocations. However, if the Income statement for the imported data doesn't exactly match the totals on the Member Tax Allocations report, bivio will recalculate the allocations for the last full tax year.

  • Dangling account transfer entries

    Some imported data has a "Trsfr To" with no corresponding "Trsfr From". This can be fixed by deleting and re-entering the account transfer.

  • Unit distributions for a year in which a member had a full withdrawal

    In this case a member incorrectly receives a unit distribution, even though they had a full withdrawal during the year, and own no units at the end of the year.

    This causes the units to carry over into the next year, and for that year's unit distributions, and so on. You'll know there's a problem if a withdrawn member shows up with a percentage ownership on bivio's Member Summary page.

    To fix it, the club must redo the original distribution which caused the error, re-audit from that point forward, and repeat for every year after the incorrect year (using iCLUBcentral Club Accounting).

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