Describing an option
Jun 21 2010 Describing an Option When you buy or sell an option, it is important to be able to describe that option so there is no doubt as to which option you want to trade. We already know that any stock - perhaps AAPL ...
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Expiration Date
Jun 18, 2010 Expiration Date In discussing the call spread, it was noted that both options (that comprise the spread) expire on the same date. That date is knows as the options expiration date. There one expiration date every month, and that's Saturday, one day ...
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What is a strategy?
June 16, 2010 What is a Strategy (continued) When using options, you employ a strategy , which is simply a description of which options to buy and sell. Last time we talked about buying a call spread, in which you buy one call option and ...
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The Beginning
June 14, 2010 Starting at the Beginning For readers who came here looking to start at the very beginning, I tried to provide some background before doing that. It's time to present the options story for the person who knows essentially nothing about using options. ...
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Strategy for an Investment Club: Buying Calls Part II
June 11, 2010 Strategy for an Investment Club : Buying Calls Part II See Part I in the previous post The LIKE Sep 50 call (from the example) may cost $800. When the stock is $57, it is 7 points above the strike price. That ...
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Strategy for a Club, Buying Calls Part I
Jun 9, 2010 Strategy for an Investment Club : Buying Calls Part I I've discussed what an option is and what you can do when you own an option. Today let's take a look at a simple strategy that is appropriate for most investment clubs. ...
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The exercise process
June 7, 2010 The Exercise Assignment Process When you own an option, you have the right to exercise. Important: You have the right - not the obligation. As previously mentioned, you are going to be better served to sell your options when you no longer ...
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Options: The Basic Concepts
June 4, 2010 Options: The Basic Concepts Today I'm taking a shortcut. I've written an e-book that is available at no cost. It's an introduction to options - the basic concepts. I'm asking each of you who is interested in seeing this blog develop as ...
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What Can You do with an Option?
June 2, 2010 What can you do with an Option? When you buy an option, your plan it to earn a profit by selling it at a price that's higher than you paid. in that respect an option is no different from shares of stock. ...
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Introduction to Options: The Versatile Investment Tool
May 31, 2010 Introduction to Options Easy to Understand, Risk-Reducing Investment Tools Truthfully, you should not require a special introduction to options because they have been part of your daily lives for years. Options have an undeserved reputation as complicated and risky investment products. Here's ...
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Basic Option Strategies for Rookies
May 28, 2010 Basic Option Strategies for Rookies Most people adopt an attitude that tells them that investing and accumulating wealth is easy. Investment club members have the advantage of entering investing with the point of view that investment education is important. I'll continue on ...
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Options and Investment Clubs
Options and Investment Clubs May 26, 2010 I've been a fan of combining investment clubs with options for a long time. The following was published on my blog, Options for Rookies, on Jul 18, 2008. Are you the type of person who prefers to learn ...
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Blogging at bivio
May 24, 2010 Blogging at My name is Mark Wolfinger and I've been using options since 1975. I want to share some of what I've learned about options to help make your investment club more successful. As a 23-year CBOE market maker, author of ...
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implications and option pricing how to for 10:1 reverse split of uyg
Hi I came across this site while searching for info on how to price call options (leaps; jan 2011) which I own in UYG. The ETF shares where subject to a recent 10:1 reverse split. Could you point me in the direction of an options ...
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Hi Mark, My wife Susan is sitting next to me as I write this and she thinks I am an impatient fool. Honesty requires that I admit I am sipping Bubbly as I write, so/but here is my foolish question: she holds 10,000 shares of ...
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