Purchased (2-contracts) VSCAE which split 2for1 and( 1-contract) FLRAQ both due to expire Jan. 09. Original costs:VSCAE-2 contracts 96.60 or 19,320.00 total. FLRAQ-1 contract 105.00 or 10,500.00total. My opinion,buy the the stocks even though I,m in the hole. Both stocks have split since I bought ...
With the volatile market we have seen lately, I am becoming risk averse. Is it a good risk averse strategy to buy a married put that expires in a couple years, and then sell covered calls just going out 1 or 2 months at a ...
Hi Mark Got a question. Let's say you find a stock, buy 100 shares, buy a married put 1 year out, then write the covered call to bring in money to pay for the married put. This is probably a bad idea, assuming the put ...
Hi Mark Please tell me which of these two IRON CONDOR -for RUSSELL 2000 that you prefer and why? CASE 1: RUY P SEP 680/670 RUT C SEP 790/800 NETT CREDIT=$2.90 CASE 2: RUY P SEP 650/640 RUZ C SEP 820/830 NETT CREDIT=$1.05 RUT CLOSED ...
Hi I am new to using options and would be interested in using a collar for CSIQ (Canadian Solar). I have no idea as to how to structure this . Could you give me some advice? CR Hello CR, I cannot give specific advice, but ...
Mark, When B of A bought countrywide (cfc) they put an approximate value swap of 5.5 to one. The day of acquisition my cfc jan/10 strike $30 was down to .01 cent. I hold 50 units ( 5000 options ) (you hold the right to ...
Mark, Is trading iron condors safe thing to for a new trader. The web site I'm looking at joining Iron condor panda investment strategies. Could you check that site out for me, and tell me what you think. Thanks David David, 1) No options strategy ...
Mark, Thanks for your reply. Do you mean I can tell my broker (I have Ameritrade) "please do not exercise my contract if it's in the money by 1 cent" and they would accept it and not exercise and not charge commissions? I thought the ...
Hello Mark, I cannot find the answer to the following question. Is there a fixed amount of contracts/options a stock can have? I know companies have a fixed amount of shares that can trade but is this true for options? I would think there cannot ...
Mark Can you provide me with some guidance on something that is puzzling me? I apologize if I am missing some basic point. I have been looking at the current pricing for SPY options and I am noticing that the implied volatilities are much higher ...
Thanks Mark, that is a great calculator. Another point that I got from you was taking chips off the table for some profit instead of it all. When there is little reward remaining, that's just being smart. Most of the time it's not a winning ...
Hello Mark, I've been reading the book and I'm already trying some of the strategies you have written about and this is where the question comes in. I'm trying to write a cover call that looks like an excellent candidate. I have 600 shares of ...
Hi, I am new into options, have made zero real trades yet. I feel I need to really understand what is happening. (Good idea) Here is an example: stock is at 289 current price and I place this iron condor (see table below) Action Shares ...
Hello Mr Wolfinger. Please call me Mark. First of all, I got your book last week and it is great. So far I'm in chapter 6 and it's better than any other book about the subject. Most of the others are either too vague in ...
Hello Mark I have been trading covered calls for about 3 months. I have had a profitable run. I spend an awful lot of time doing the research needed to pick stock that have a high premium return. As you know not all the good ...