Return of covered call strategy vs. buy & hold EFT + reinvest dividends wrote: Hello, I've read you great book (create your own hedge fund) and I'm planning to start using the option writing very soon, however I came across a presentation of Matthew Moran (Vice President, CBOE) from a conference held this year ( ) ...
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Stock Option Grants
Mark, A few weeks ago there were numerous news reports about how some companies had allowed management to somehow benefit from incorrectly declaring stock options. (I admit I may not be phrasing this properly because I wasn't certain from the reports exactly what the officials ...
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Options wrote: hello mr. wolfinger , I am a sort of a rookie when it comes to the options so answer me this question about call options: If i were to buy a call option that was in the money, could I buy the underlying ...
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buying calls using technical indicators
Mark, How do you feel about buying calls when then are low, say 2 to 3 months out, and one or two units out of the money using RSI, MACD, and Slow Stochastics? I buy calls when the RSI is below 40, MACD is converging ...
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Hi Mark, If I were to purchase a high number of an out of the money call, would it drive the price of the option up? Say for example I were to be bullish on the short term outlook of an underlying stock worth 8/share. ...
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Contract Volume
Thank you for the reply! I would not have thought to ask my broker if they have a buy-write commission. I'll check into that before getting started. The CBOE site was my first look to check contract volumes and they have some interesting spreadsheets available. ...
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Contract Volume
Hi Mr. Wolfinger: Your book is incredible. I'm just about geared up to implement a covered call strategy with ETFs. I wonder if contract liquidity plays a role and where I can go to see which EFT's have options with the most volume? Any suggestions ...
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start a new club. wrote: It is possible to form a club that will be run by only one person, in other words all the members yield the responsibilities of buying and selling to one individual. Can this individual that will run the club gain shares for that ...
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Gaps and CEOs
Mark I've been 80% successful in writing put options even thought I will limit it in the future because the math does not support it very well. My question is on setting exit points vs. gaps. With the poor quality of CEOs and a casino ...
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Stockbrokers and Options
Mark: Great job explaining options. I think a few things need to be addressed re this subject: The majority of stockbrokers, yes STOCKBROKERS either do not understand covered call writing or are jaded by option buying to begin with. As a result, they tell their ...
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Repairing a Covered Call
Mark, First I'd like to thank you for this great column. A couple of questions regarding this: At what point (or % decline) would you start buying back your calls if the stock was dropping? Is there such an order we can place that will ...
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Starting a club
Hi, I hope you are all doing well. I am writing to ask for a little help. I have some friends and we all want to kick in and start an investors club. I have no idea what legalities are involved. Do I need to ...
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Covered Calls on ETFs
After reading your book ( Create Your Own Hedge Fund ), which I enjoyed and found very instructive a couple of questions came to mind on the subject of writing covered calls for ETFs: - many ETFs have options with very low open interest. Only ...
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Covered Call Writing. A Real World Example
Covered Call Writing A Real World Example If your club has given some thought to using options, but has not yet taken the plunge, this article may provide an impetus to begin. We'll take a look at covered call writing, a conservative strategy - one ...
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On Trend Following
Hello Juan, I'm pleased to hear you are enjoying the book. First of all, I congratulate you on your acceptance of the sad fact that it's extremely difficult to predict the market. I readily admit that I am also unable to do it. You are ...
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