Member Status Report

The Member Status Report provides a snapshot view of the account of each member of your club on the selected Report Date.

  • Paid Since mm/dd/yyyy - The dollar amount paid into the club by each member during the date range defined by the Show Payments Since the Report Date fields. This amount includes payments, fees, and withdrawals. A negative value indicates that a member has withdrawn more dollars from the club than has been paid in during the time span.
  • Paid - The dollar amount paid into the club by each member as of a given date. This amount includes all payments, fees, and withdrawals. A negative value indicates that the applicable member has withdrawn more dollars from the club than has been paid in.
  • Tax Basis - A members tax basis in the club as of the end of the prior year. The tax basis is the sum of member's contributions, minus any partial withdrawals, plus any earnings allocated in prior years, and minus any deductions allocated in prior years. This value does not include taxable items realized by the club during the current year.
  • Units YTD - The cumulative number of units purchased and/or liquidated via withdrawal by the member as of the date of the report.
  • Units - The number of units owned by the each member as of the date of the report.
  • Market Value - Total value of the account of each member as of the most recent unit valuation. Unit values are updated late in the evening after the close of a business day. A note like this:

    (using prices from market close for 08/20/2013)

    at the top left side of the report will indicate whether the report has been updated with the current days pricing yet.
  • Percent - The value of the account of each member as a percentage of the total value of the club as of the report date.

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