Our investment club is in the process of re-locating from Foliofn and possibly can be "grandfathered?" into Schwab as a partnership (and on the grounds of individual account balances) but we are confused about the availability of check-writing services. Do you clubs with Schwab enjoy ...
Our valuation date was 30 Sept. I the treasurer am still on Dec 18 (13 days from end of calendar year) fussing with checks and withdrawals and the like since, despite Bivio recommending otherwise, and me conveying to club members that transferring stock on club ...
Fellow bivions, We annual audit the books of our Club with two "Disinterested Partners." With the virus we are doing everything virial ie., Zoom, Go2Mtg. etc. So, how do we do a virtual audit? I am open for suggestions. Larry Reno Director Georgia Chapter of ...
Our club is considering investment in NEXCF (Nextech AR Solutions Corp) which is registered in Canada and is not listed on US Exchanges (OTC only). Over the years I have heard clubs and Bivio representatives caution about investing in OTC foreign registered stocks due to ...
We have members make a full withdraw from our Investment club and I was wondering at what time do we remove them from Bivio email and access to our Bivio account. Or is there a way they they will only have access to retrieve their ...
ItaÂ(TM)s a California tax https://www.ftb.ca.gov/file/business/types/limited-liability-company/index.html On Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 11:50 AM Charles L Tatum, II via bivio.com <user* 38654200001@bivio.com > wrote: I was unaware of that.A Is there no provision for investment clubs.A We are not a business.A Other than capital gains taxes ...
I appreciate you all for passing on all of your "legwork". Super helpful info Anyone use eTrade? Sent from my iPhone On Dec 7, 2020, at 12:49 PM, relick3@pacbell.net wrote:  Ok more info Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Daniel Williams via ...
Do other clubs still utilize the Quest For Positive Relative Returns? Does bivio still offer this service? If so, how does a club go about having their records updated? Regards, Rick J. Nosky, Treasurer, Tactical Gains Investment Fund
I have read the documents telling us that it is a tax-free spinoff, visited three corporate websites and visited a few other places, but I could not find information telling me how to book the transaction. Has your resident expert arrived at a methodology?
This message was sent securely using Zix (R) The other day you mentioned ETFs and how they may differ in their tax consequences. Not wanting to put any un do burden on our Treasurer at tax time, is there a way that we can find ...
Laurie; I have sent two emails earlier this week to bivio support. Neither have been acknowledged. My previous experience with bivio support has been excellent so I am concerned that my emails are not reaching bivio support. I have checked my own email system, including ...
Hello Club Cafe, The members of my club make an administrative payment each year which is then used to pay club expenses.A I wanted to reflect the member payments in a suspense account. I went to Accounting Accounts Create and created an account "Admin Payments ...
Our club is made up of 7 couples although a couple is actually 2 members for accounting purposes. One of our members is on hospice. I am wondering if when the time comes if we can just transfer his portion - about $26000 - to ...
We have had several questions from clubs using Folio about how to accomplish stock payouts for withdrawals. Apparently since Folio has been purchased,A they are not allowing the withdrawing members to open new accounts to receive the shares. Here are some ideas you might try: ...