Membership/Partner information forms
Just wondering does anyone have a standard membership/partner registration or information form for when a member joins the Club? Our Club is 20+ years old and haven't had any new partners for several years.. Now we have a couple of perspective new partners. Is there ...
14 messages
family investment clubs
I've been thinking about starting a family investment club - my husband and me plus our 3 kids and two of their spouses. It would be 3 to 7 adults - at least to start. Most with no investing experience except their work 401Ks. I ...
6 messages
New Prospective Club Member - Invite Email
Started my club last year, looking to send an email / letter to friends/family about an opportunity for them to join. Do any current clubs have sample email / letter for prospective new member. Any info / advice much appreciated. Thanks, Mike
2 messages
TDA to Schwab transfer
I just spent about 45 minutes (15 of which were in a wait state) in an online chat with a Schwab "investment professional" about investment clubs and their legal structure about 1) new partnership/club accounts and 2) what to expect when we are transferred to ...
30 messages
moving to Fidelity
We are in the process of moving our club to Fidelity. Sent the application and should hear back next week sometime. Really hoping that there aren't too many things that need fixed in the applications. The application was long - 4 parts - business account, ...
10 messages
Does anyone have an idea as to why investment clubs seem to have become pariahs to brokerages? Three of the seven brokerages (Folio, Schwab, and Merrill Lynch) listed as being ably to link through AccountSync seem no longer willing to accept new club accounts.
8 messages
AAPL VL 122252020
See here for the most recent VL on Apple 3-7% annual total return projected, a positive report, with an ominous warning a "full valuation" requires deferral of "new commitments". APPLE INC. NDQ-AAPL TIMELINESS SAFETY TECHNICAL 3 1 2 Lowered 11/27/20 Raised 4/17/20 Lowered 12/18/20 BETA ...
4 messages
TDA to Schwab transfer
I also spoke to both of the companies and they confirmed that the integration of the individual accounts will be between three and five years out. The "think or swim" platform will be kept. The first changes that are planned for later this year is ...
1 message
Will Interactive Brokers be Synced to Bivio?
We have run into problems transferring our account from Foliofn and may face the automatic transfer to Interactive Brokers; can this account be synced to Bivio? We thought we could move to Schwab but can't get a cash account there, which is a messy complication. ...
5 messages
Regarding portfolio management.
Hello, Just wandering if any one has suggestions about following stocks at a glance for monthly meeting. Also what criteria we absolutely should look for? Any suggestion is welcome. Sent from my iPhone
18 messages
The Fun Never Stops in 2020 - Attn Folio Clubs
Folio informed clubs today that it is stopping all "self directed" accounts (like club accounts). As of January 13,A your Folio account will automatically be transferred to Interactive Brokers unless you move it somewhere else. Thanks Folio.A Lots of time to prepare and address during ...
45 messages
Partnership agreement signatures
How do clubs manage current signatures on their PAs? Ours is out of date and we need one with current signatures to provide for a new broker. I was just wondering how you handle that in your club? If you have to redo all the ...
10 messages
New Club Just Started
Hi Bivions, My name is Charles. I am the (novice) organizer of an investment club formed by family and friends. We are an LLC and we opened our account with TD Ameritrade as an Investment Club. None of us have any experience with investment clubs ...
21 messages
Disbanding club
We aren't quite ready to disband but the topic came up. Members would like to divide each stock among the members. Is this reasonable? We would start to make sure the number of shares of each stock is divisible by the number of members. I ...
16 messages
State Income Tax Filing for clubs that are established in states without state income tax
Our club is in its infancy, and we are registered as a general partnership in Texas, a no-state-income-tax state. It was established as a club for family and extended family members but we were skittish about encouraging non-Texas membership, and we currently have no members ...
10 messages