Strong Passwords
Hi All, The spam message that came through this morning probably came from the email account from a member of the list whose email account had been hacked. It is a good opportunity to remind you of the importance of using strong passwords on all ...
17 messages
Folio Investing to be Acquired by Goldman Sachs
Here is some interesting information about Folio Investing. i attached a copy of the announcement from Folio's website. Of course the question is what does it mean to Clubs that use Folio as their brokerage? 012314545 6ÿ89 9ÿ 8ÿÿÿ99ÿ 8 ÿÿÿ    !11"""#    #81 $89 ...
8 messages
Folio Investing to be Acquired by Goldman Sachs
Saw this in the Club Cafe this morning. It will be interesting Sent from Xfinity Connect Mobile App Original Message From: Martin J. Eckerle via To: Sent: May 16, 2020 at 1:19 PM Subject: RE: [club_cafe] Folio Investing to be Acquired by Goldman ...
1 message
Capital contributions
Hello Bivio community. New questions: 1) what are your club's guidance or requirement about amount ($) of recurring monthly contributions to capital? 2) ditto but on one time capital contributions or infusions to raise more cash for investing (without selling stocks)? Do you have 'capital ...
6 messages
Estimating impact of charter member withdrawals
Hello Bivio Club Cafe members. I need some opinions on a difficult topic. I currently lead our SCS Investment Club (over 20 years old) and am trying to assess the impact of 1 or more 'charter members' who are in their 80's and may withdraw ...
8 messages
Organizing a watch list
Our club is interested in keeping a watch list of stocks that are presented, not bought, but then unfortunately forgotten. Am interested how other clubs manage this problem. Thanks. Colene
5 messages
Video meetings
We have been a womens Club for 22 years and some are not up to date on computers. Looking for easiest Video program, Skype, Zoom or other for club to use for meetings until we can enjoy meeting in homes again Cindy Gerke Coles River ...
13 messages
member payments with virtual meetings
Our club will hold our next meeting using Skype. Does anyone have suggestions for how to handle member payments when doing virtual meetings? Should we suspend payments until we can meet in person? Should we collect "catch-up" payments when we resume in person meetings?
16 messages
Power of Attorney
Technically: If a married couple belongs to a club -- as individual members -- and one has become incapacitated and is going to withdraw, what do you recommend to do with regard to the letter of withdrawal? Can you assume the spouse has Power of ...
5 messages
Brokerage Accounts
Hello Everyone. At present, our investment Club. Uses TD Ameritrade as our broker. With the impeding merger with Schwab, we met with the Schwab people to discuss how our club would be impacted. We had a good discussion until we found out that Schwab does ...
14 messages
Voting between meetings
How do your clubs handle voting to buy or sell a stock between meeting?
17 messages
filing extension
where can I find instructions for filing for an extension for the club's return? We found a bookkeeping error going back years and don't expect it to be corrected in time. Bob
10 messages
IRS forms
I sent the IRS forms in the mail two weeks ago with signature return. I have not gotten the receipt back. I am wondering if I need to send another copy or aqssume that the return made it? I talked to our pastmaster and sne ...
12 messages
Hi All, We have members of this group from all over the US.A A I'm curious.A How is what you see happening in your communities and your states impacting your thoughts about investing?A A Personally I'm torn.A This level of uncertainty is unnerving,A but there ...
25 messages
Tax form
We had a person withdraw from our club this year and when I did our taxes there was this comment attached to the end with a withdrawal report for this person. "The withdrawal reports which follow should be distributed to the members for use in ...
5 messages