Is the tax software available? I went to the Taxes page on bivio and the year has changed at the top of the page but isn't opening anything but information. Colleen Goings Women of Wauneta
I have three dividend payments recorded in January in Bivio but not on my TDAmeritrade 1099 The stocks are HACK on January 2, JPST on January 3 and SPY on January 31. Anyone know how this happens and if it is worth contacting TDAmeritrade? Ron ...
Fellow Treasurers, While I consider myself fairly proficient in club accounting matters, I am ready to make my withdrawal. I have reviewed the webinars on withdrawals. So I know I will be transferring appreciated stocks to the withdrawing partner. I have the correct form from ...
Our club is struggling with balancing our portfolio. We have had great success over the past few years with 3 stocks which are now 16.8, 10.7 and 9% of our portfolio. Some members want to sell some while others still see upside potential. We currently ...
I am sitting on hold with TD Ameritrade (over a 90 minute wait currently). I tried the virtual assistant and the local branch but the former was not helpful and the latter was a big circus which got me back to the national 800 number. ...
From the previous posts I've seen, it sounds like you can't use 2 factor authentication (2FA) for your brokerage account if you also want to use AccountSync. Clearly it would be very desirable to use 2FA and and AccountSync for the club's brokerage account. Our ...
When logged into their website Client Services Message Center Compose Before sending, check the box "Send me an email when there is a response in my Message Center inbox." so you don't have to keep checking the secure site. S On Mon, Feb 8, 2021 ...
If you were to recommend to someone a magazine to read for investing (other than Better Investing), which magazine would you recommend? Fortune, Barron's, Motley Fool etc.? Tim Hoyman, Colorado Leprechauns
This message was sent securely using Zix (R) Our Club (MakeALot) is very much interested in investing in ETFs. I understand they trade like a stock and was wondering what you thought about them. We don't want to incur any extra work for our Treasurer ...
So our club just formed in 2020. We do DRIP on all stocks purchased. We got a notice that we will not be getting a 1099. So now what? Do we still prepare the K-1 for all members. How does this work for tax preparation?