Bye Bye Toolkit, its like losing an old friend
In today's Chapter Advance Change in ICLUBcentral's Products for Sale Per the organization's long-term strategic plan, sales of ICLUBcentral's Toolkit 6 to new users will be discontinued on September 30th, but the software continues to be supported with access to the automatic data feed from ...
4 messages
Other investment clubs in Nebraska
I would like to know if there is a Chapter Directory of Better Investing clubs in our area. We'd like to meet and perhaps have joint meetings with other like minded investors. I am especially interested in clubs in the eastern part of Nebraska; Omaha, ...
3 messages
Please Give a Warm Welcome To.......
Please join us in giving a warm welcome to the two newest members of our bivio support staff, Joanne Hermiston and Becky Kruse. Joanne is a detail-oriented and customer focused professional with strong analytical and problem-solving skills. She has expertise in accounting, financial processes, business ...
2 messages
Joining Your Club
Hello Laurie, Is your club open for new members? I would love to explore your club's membership requirement. Minh T. Le On Aug 17, 2021, at 8:48 AM, Laurie Frederiksen <> wrote:  When answering questions like this, there are two good places to start: ...
10 messages
Death of a member
When a member dies, is the valuation date the date of their death or 2 days prior to the first meeting after their death.
6 messages
keeping club records
Our club is taking on the task of consolidating old binders. From looking through past questions, sounds like we need to keep tax returns forever but can get rid of supporting documents after 7 years, keeping stock buy and sell info for 7 years after ...
4 messages
Fidelity & Check writing
Our Investment Club recently had to change brokers to Fidelity. Our Financial Partner is learning that Fidelity doesn't seem to want to let an Investment Club have checks. How do clubs using Fidelity write checks to pay for their expenses like Bivio and Better Investing ...
15 messages
Bivio tax question
 My club just had one of the founding members leave the club. He offered, and we considered, transferring stocks to him. In the end it was agreed to have the club sell the stocks in January and we will all pay our share of ...
13 messages
Tools to track virtual or mock (shadow) portfolios
Hello. I hope this is an appropriate question for this forum. My club is transitioning from a 'real' investment club to a virtual investment class where each member tracks his/her own virtual portfolio. Starting with an initial investment of $10K each, class members will virtually ...
12 messages
Chewy stock
Our club is considering Chewy stock which is a little confusing in the ownership. This article says " common stock and its related subsidiaries, effectively eliminating Chewy as a subsidiary of PetSmart. The leading US retailer acquired the pet e-commerce platform in May 2017. Chewy ...
14 messages
Disbanding Club and Payout of Members
I have friends who are in an Investment Club. They decided to disband and told me that they sold all of their stocks (they didn't ask me for input on this) and once they are confident there are no more incoming dividends, they will disburse ...
14 messages
GE Reverse Stock Split
It appears that GE's reverse stock split occurred on 8/2. In Bivio accounting, the reverse split resulted in our club now being with credited with ownership of a fractional share. In our brokerage account, however, we do not have a fractional share and GE paid ...
5 messages
Updated Job Posting
Hi All, Due to questions and Colorado state requirements,A we've updated the job posting we sent out last week and added some additional information about the job. You can find the updated version here: Are You Looking For a Great Job? (Updated posting) Laurie Frederiksen ...
1 message
Meeting Minutes
Is it common practice or required for the Club Secretary to read the minutes from the previous meeting as part of the Agenda? One club member suggested we just read them individually on line before the meeting and then motion to pass them as read ...
9 messages
Are You Looking for a Great Job?
We're Looking For A Special Person Do you really enjoy being an investment club treasurer? Are you interested in using your club treasurer skills to help others? We're looking for one special person to join our support team at bivio. If you (or someone you ...
6 messages