Hello - I am a chapter volunteer and will be visiting a club soon. They want information about investing in crypto currency. My question is: can club accounting handle an investment in crypto currency or an ETF that focuses in this area? Thanks - Barry
We will be moving bivio.com to a more reliable service provider on Sunday 4/10/22 from 9 am to 12 pm MDT. This maintenance window is to cover problems. The actual downtime shouldA be less than an hour. If you have any questions, please contact support@bivio.com ...
What was the easiest/most efficient way to get the taxes printed? Email to self as attachment or put on Zip drive and take with to UPS, Office Depot, etc? Still waiting for amended 1099 from AirLease, but want to do it quickly after I finish ...
Does anyone know who is taking over after Laurie - We are waiting for a transaction to be corrected by Bivio that is showing a large overstating of the clubs profits for 2021 and cannot file the accounts yet
Laurie, Congratulations one your well deserved retirement!A Appreciate all your help through the years We will miss you! Wishing you the very best in your retirement as you start the nextA chapter of your life! Warm regards RomaA Cherry Tree Investing Group
I'm pretty sure it is in the interview. We also filed for an extension and we did opt out. Do you have any members that are a trust? I think that excludes you from opting out. On April 3, 2022, at 8:19 PM, "Pamela Harris ...
Is there any reason why the option to opt out of CPAR would not appear in the partnership tax interview steps in Bivio? My club meets the criteria, but we did file for an extension. I'm wondering if that is why I am not seeing ...
Our club is disbanding. Can the valuation date be the same day I process the withdrawals? If it is the same day, I know everything will balance. I know if the valuation date is the day before the withdrawals, then the value will change (from ...
Laurie: Congratulations!! and best of everything to you in retirement. You have been invaluable to our club. As its treasurer, you were always there to answer questions for me, walk me through the unknown and fix problems. I have witnessed your patience, understanding, and helpfulness ...
The network has been restored. bivio.com is fully operational. No data was lost. You can read our colocation provider'sA page to learn more about the network problem: https://www.facebook.com/FrontRangeInternetInc/ While the network situation was out of our control, we could have done better. Here is a ...
Hi Laurie, You certainly will be missed by everyone bivio. You have been a great help with both the clubs I belong to. So professional and knowledgeable and always willing to share your expertise and very gracious and kindly. Enjoy you retirement to the utmost ...
An upstream network provider has been having issues so the connectivity was unreliable yesterday and early this morning. We apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused. I was thrilled to see so many thank-you/congratulation/you-are-our-savior emails get through to Laurie despite the outages. She deserves ...
Say it isn't so! You have been a tremendous help to me and I'm sure many others. Enjoy your retirement. On March 31, 2022, at 2:20 PM, Laurie Frederiksen <laurie@bivio.biz> wrote: A little over 14 years ago, I started working for bivio.A Today I am ...
Laurie, we will miss you. You have been so helpful ⺠I hope your retirement is everything you want it to be . I have so appreciated your professionalism especially these past months . Susie Reather Quest for Gains Club. Sent from my Galaxy Original ...
The K1 has RIC income from a REIT and RIC is one of the pull down choices instead of a country source for the income when entering K3 information. TurboTax issues a Smart Check error that there are no foreign transations. Any suggestions on how ...