Hi everyone, Don't forget to register today for our two upcoming bivio webinars to help your club get ready to file your 2022 taxes. They are online, they are free and everyone is invited, but space is limited. Register now for both of them! How ...
1 message
Bivio email address
Ken, Not that I know of recently. Mary Reynolds From: "Patricia Michalski via" To: Cc: Sent: Monday January 2 2023 5:45:48PM Subject: Re: [club_cafe] Bivio email address Thanks On Mon, Jan 2, 2023 at 2:02 PM Dan Lapp via <user* > ...
3 messages
Bivio email address
Has anyone else had problems with their bivio addressed emails going to the SPAM folders for the entire club? Ken Kavula
5 messages
efiling taxes
Did I see somewhere that Bivio will support e-filing federal taxes this year? Or is that a figment of my imagination?
7 messages
Account Sync Brought In Erroneous/Duplicate Transactions
Please check your account sync to make sure there aren't any erroneous and/or duplicate transactions. I received an account sync summary that showed erroneous and duplicate transactions. I deleted from bivio and will keep an eye on my brokerage (Schwab) account but wanted to point ...
13 messages
Unused Capital Losses
As I understand it, capital losses that exceed capital gains in the same year can be used to offset capital gains in the following year by the 'carry loss forward method'. My question is: does the bivio tax document for a year following one with ...
6 messages
Account sync errors 12/15
Hi, Account Sync did not bring in a dividend or interest paid Dec. 16. Also, the stock prices for my valuation date did not match Schwab. I redid my account link, but it did not to seem to fix things. I could not seem to ...
1 message
Please unsubscribe me
Hello, Can you please unsubscribe this email ( ) from the email chain?A A Thank YouA BrianA
3 messages
Dec. 6 Webinar Video and Handouts are Available!
Hi everyone, It was great that so many of you could join us live last night for the Getting Ready for Tax Season webinar. If you missed it or want to watch again, the handouts and video are now posted on the bivio "Getting Ready ...
3 messages
Transfer Stocks to Disband Club Leaving Large Capital Losses
Our Club is disbanding so we chose to transfer all of the stocks remaining to members. The withdrawal report shows very large Capital Losses for several members ranging from -$5000 to -$50,000. Has anyone run into this situation and can you explain the reason why? ...
8 messages
Until we hear differently from Bivio the email that requests you to Revalidate your email looks suspicious. If you move your mouse to hover over the LINK (without clicking it) it shows you will be responding to a really long email address that looks like ...
3 messages
Capital gain/loss report
Hello ,A I have been the treasurer of our club for nineA years andA have had no problem with the Capital Gains/losses reports each year. Recently , we sold all of our holdings to enable us to disband. I have the brokers Realized gains/losses report ...
4 messages
BIVIO Webinar Preparing for Tax Season
For those who missed the webinar, "Preparing for Tax Season - What You Should Do Now To Get Ready" I strongly encourage you view the copy available on the BIVIO website. This was an excellent webinar even for loooooong time Treasurers and individual members. Many ...
3 messages
Penalty from IRS
Our club received a notice from the IRS that said "We charged you a penalty under Section 1400Z-2(f) of the Internal Revenue Code for the following reason: Failure of Qualified Opportunity Fund to Maintain Investment Standard." What does this mean?
16 messages
Electronic Filing and Webinar News!
Hi everyone, We are very pleased to announce that bivio will offer electronic filing for the 2022 tax year! Stay tuned for more details. Also, register now to join us at each of our three upcoming bivio webinars to help you and your club prepare ...
5 messages