There have been some changes to the NJ website for filing the NJ-1065 return. I haven't been able to test it fully yet, but it seems to have addressedA many of the problems and simplified the process. If you haven't filed your NJ return yet, ...
If anyone is still having a problem filing their NJ-1065 return, please email support immediately and I will file an extension for your club. Deadline is midnight EDT and I will be online this evening looking for emails. Ira Smilovitz
It looks like the website has been updated to allow us to file our NJ Partnership Returns online. We are no longer getting an error message. But I/we could use a new set of instructions on how to navigate the new site.
My club is closing, which changes how you input data into Turbotax. There are large capital losses that do not appear on the K-1 under 8 or 9a. They occur because the beginning capital account in section L of the K-1 is larger than the ...
Has anyone successfully transferred stock from their investment club account to a club partner that is withdrawing? Our brokerage account is currently at Schwab , previously Ameritrade. We completed the transfer forms as instructed initially by Schwab , only to be informed by Schwab after ...
Our club is disbanding. There are discrepancies in a stock purchase in 2002 and 2003 between Bivio and our broker, Edward Jones. At the time those trades were made, we were with TD Waterhouse. In both cases the Bivio dollar price was rounded off and ...
I have a member asking for a K3 now. Our club had less than $300 of interest from foreign investments so k3s not generated when we did our club return. How can I supply the k3 now? Seems I saw something in the past about ...
Just got a notification from Charles Schwab that GE had spun off GE Vernova. I have looked on the SEC Edgar website and it says the state or jurisdiction of this company was Delaware so I am assuming that it is not a foreign owned ...
I am still having difficulty filing electronically with the state of NJ. I have tried every permutation of operating system (PC, MAC) and browser (Safari, Edge, Chrome) available to me. I can not get Ty Hughes workaround to work for me and my prior workaround ...
Our older Charles Schwab transactions are missing in bivio. New ones are there so it doesn't seem to be an issue with the connection. Charles Schwab does not provide OFX file format which is the only one that bivio accepts so I'll try and find ...
I have a stock that gave a dividend in 10/23. It is not listed in bivio's dividends but is in my 1099 Div. I see how I can add a transaction for a listed dividend stock but I don't see any way of adding a ...
We have a former club member who previously cash out and now several years later wants to rejoin. I do not see how to reactivate the member. Has anyone had this happen and how do we do this on Bivio.
I have appreciated all the input re: changing our brokerage acct from Schwab to Fidelity. Several Clubs recommended I call Fidelity and ask them to open a case # so that I could talk to a Fidelity person who is in the 'back office' who ...